
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1323] From: Mr James Murray (of Broughton) / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Euphemia? Murray (of Broughton) (Patient), Reverend Cowper (Revd. Mr Cowper/Cooper) (Patient) / 27 August 1776 / (Incoming)

Letter from James Murray concerning the case of the Reverend Mr Cowper [Cooper], and reporting on the health of his daughter.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1323
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/421
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date27 August 1776
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from James Murray concerning the case of the Reverend Mr Cowper [Cooper], and reporting on the health of his daughter.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:436]
Case of the teenage Miss Murray of Broughton who has a log-standing pulmonary complaint and eventually starts to spit blood.
[Case ID:763]
Case of the Reverend Mr Cooper [Cowper] who in 1776 is being dosed with various medicines. In 1789 he has a cough and has suffered some sort of blackout.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:632]AuthorMr James Murray (of Broughton)
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:631]PatientMiss Euphemia? Murray (of Broughton)
[PERS ID:1645]PatientReverend Cowper (Revd. Mr Cowper/Cooper)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:5464]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendLady Catherine Murray (of Broughton )
[PERS ID:632]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr James Murray (of Broughton)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Cally House Gatehouse of Fleet Borders Scotland Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Italy Europe certain
Mentioned / Other London London and South-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

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I have advised the bearer
Mr Cowper my Minister, to go to Edinburgh
to Consult you about his health, he
is a worthy honest man, & I am
very anxious for his Recovery, he
is an easy good tempered man &
has I dare say hurt himself greatly
by following a variety of silly advises
he has got in the Country, however
he has promised me to abide ----
strictly by your Directions & by
observing them, I hope his health
may be re established

Since I returned from Edinburgh
my daughter has once or thrice
spit a little thick stuff, mixed with
a very little blood, she Coughs very
seldom & complains of no pain &
in other respect, to all appearance

[Page 2]

is in good health, she strictly follows
your advice as to diet &c, & is in high
spirits at the thoughts of going ------
abroad, but I can not help having
some gloomey apprehensions about
her, Lady Catherine proposes to
trouble you with another letter
on the subject of her health in
a Day or two, we mean to sett out
for London upon Monday next
& shall make a very short stay
there & proceed towards Italy as
fast as we can, tho I am affraid
we shall find the weather to the
Southward still too warm for
travelling fast, but in that we shall
do as circumstances will permitt
& I am with great Regard

your much obliged
& very humble servant
James Murray

Cally August 27th

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Diplomatic Text

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I have advised the bearer
Mr Cowper my Minister, to go to Ednr
to Consult you about his health, he
is a worthy honest man, & I am
very anxious for his Recovery, he
is an easy good tempered man &
has I dare say hurt himself greatly
by following a variety of silly advises
he has got in the Country, however
he has promised me to abide ----
strictly by your Directions & by
observing them, I hope his health
may be re established

Since I returned from Ednr
my daughter has once or thrice
spit a little thick stuff, mixed with
a very little blood, she Coughs very
seldom & complains of no pain &
in other respect, to all appearance

[Page 2]

is in good health, she strictly follows
your advice as to diet &c, & is in high
spirits at the thoughts of going ------
abroad, but I can not help having
some gloomey apprehensions about
her, Lady Catherine proposes to
trouble you with another letter
on the subject of her health in
a Day or two, we mean to sett out
for London upon Monday next
& shall make a very short stay
there & proceed towards Italy as
fast as we can, tho I am affraid
we shall find the weather to the
Southward still too warm for
travelling fast, but in that we shall
do as circumstances will permitt
& I am with great Regard

your much obliged
& very humle servant
Jas Murray

Cally August 27th

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