
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[Case ID:1150]: Case of the Reverend Maxwell Kennedy of Londonderry whose main complaint is severe indigestion.

Documents in this case

2 document(s) found in this case.

DOC IDSummaryDate
[DOC ID:1943] 
Case note describing the case of Reverend Maxwell Kennedy of Londonderry including details of his digestive problems.October 1780
[DOC ID:1046] 
Reply 'Revd Maxwell Kennedy, Londonderry', whose complaints Cullen believes to be a 'Disorder of Stomach [which] evidently proceeds from an affection of his kidneys'. Case note exists but no obvious cover-letter to identify whether Cullen is writing directly to the patient. 30 October 1780

People involved in this case

4 found.

PERS IDFull Name
[PERS ID: 1] Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID: 2986] Mr Evory
[PERS ID: 2985] Sir Hugh Hill (1st Baronet of Brook Hall, Londonderry)
[PERS ID: 865] Reverend Maxwell Kennedy (of Londonderry)

Unique Places linked to this Case

2 found.

TypeSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
Place Londonderry (Derry) North Ireland Ireland Europe certain
SpecificCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Places and role of place

4 found.

TypeRoleSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificPlace of WritingCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Writing Londonderry (Derry) North Ireland Ireland Europe certain
SpecificDestination of LetterCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Londonderry (Derry) North Ireland Ireland Europe inferred