
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:739] From: Earl John Hope (Lord Hopetoun, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Earl John Hope (Lord Hopetoun, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun) (Patient) / 21 May 1759 / (Incoming)

Lengthy letter from John, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun, describing his symptoms in the form of a diary. He mentions that he 'had not got quite free of the Cough and other effects of the Epidemic, besides the other complaints of Lowness and Oppression'.


There are 8 images for this document.

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DOC ID 739
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/7
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date21 May 1759
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Lengthy letter from John, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun, describing his symptoms in the form of a diary. He mentions that he 'had not got quite free of the Cough and other effects of the Epidemic, besides the other complaints of Lowness and Oppression'.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:79]
Case of John, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun, who in the 1750s reports a persistent cough and other effects of 'the Epidemic', including 'Lowness and Oppression'. In 1777 he is being treated for a recurring 'watery tumour'.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:703]AuthorEarl John Hope (Lord Hopetoun, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun)
[PERS ID:703]PatientEarl John Hope (Lord Hopetoun, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:4514]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr R.

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Hopetoun House Abercorn Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe inferred
Mentioned / Other Hopetoun House Abercorn Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Ormiston Hall Tranent Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]

1758 December 4

Returned from Ormiston-Hall to Hopetoun House
had not got quite free of the Cough and other
effects of the Epidemic, besides the other Com¬
plaints of Lowness and Oppression of Spirits

with restlessness in the night not only continued
But encreased greatly from great Concern
of mind

Tryed Mustard Seed with Rhue Tea morn¬
ing and Evening, Tar water Strong wines
Spices &c but with little effect. Had
Several threatenings of the Gout in both
but came to no height

December 16

Took a mustard vomit which wrought well
and brought off much Ropy phlegm and
no after Sickness, having taken 2 Spoon
fulls of Tincture of Rhubarb in brandy
with Spices immediately after the operation
& went to bed I was something re¬
leived by the vomit, but had much
wind in my Stomach and by Dr R 1
Advice began to Drink Lime water
{leaving off other things} which seemed
to agree very well with my Stomach

[Page 2]

December 19

Took a purge of Rhubarb & Jal¬
which brought away much slime {which the
Lyme water seemed to have loosened}
and this releived my complaints consider¬
ably especially when I cou'd get exercise.

Began to sleep a little better & quie¬
ter and to perspire better in the night
Continued the Lime water & encreased
from a mutchkin to a Chopin per day,
Stomach appetite and evry way better


Repeated the purge as above which
did well but not near so much slime --

After this had a slight return
of the Epidemic cold and all the other
Complaints of the Stomach watchfull¬
& lowness encreased ---


Took another mustard vomit which
brought off much tough ropy phlegm
but did not work freely heaving been
much impeded by a great deal of wind.
Was very low after the vomit all that
day and the night and next day

1759 January 1st

Began again to the
mustard seed in the morning with Lime
and Tar water before

[Page 3]

Dinner & at bedtime but continued the Lyme
thro the day & at meat to 3 mutchkins

2d a better night

All the rest of this month and most of the
next continued in the same distressed way
nor cou'd any releiff be expected from Medi¬
cine in the melancholy situation of the
Family. Tryed a decoction of Bark with tincture
of the same
also Tincture of Tansey Rhue
and wormwood but found no releiff, only
the Lime water seem'd to be of some Service
especially to the Digestion & to Dissolve


After the middle of this month
the weather being favourable got
a good deal of Exercise, resumed the
Decoction of Bark made very turbid &
strong an Ounce of Bark in Lib vi to Lib i
whereof 4 spoonfulls with 1 Do of Tincture
of Bark
or of Tansy &c for a dose twice
a day. Still continuing the Lyme
sometimes with Sassafras infused in it -
and took some small doses of Rhubarb
or Sacred Tincture & Elixir which brought
away much slime sometimes very
tough & wind whereby I was greatly

[Page 4]


In the first Days of this month
had a tendency to a Looseness which Seem'd also
to do service. Began to have some
complaints in my head which had been
remarkably free and well the pre¬
ceeding Summer & thro the winter
Still felt very low on some particular
days without being able to assign
any immediate Cause----

The Scarcity of Urine thro the Day
and the very great Quantity & Limpid¬
with a strong violet smell in the
night continued thro this winter
but always decreased as the other
complaints abated passing more in
the Day and less in the night & of a
better colour-- Found Benefit from
rubbing my stomach & Belly in bed
which promoted the Descharge of wind

12 March

The Decoction of Bark
proving heavy on my Stomach dis¬
continued it and resumed the mus¬
tard Seed
still continuing the Lime wa¬
, and taking the tincture of Tansey &c
as a bitter for my stomach between
hands with small doses of Rhubarb

[Page 5]

or Sacred Tincture or Elixir which always
gave releiff tho sometimes they had
little effect but brought away wind

Extremely Low for one day but
releived by Rhubarb which had been inter¬
mitted some days gradually lessen'd
the Quantity of the Bitters, and Got
free of the dose I used to take about
3 or 4 o clock in the morning & yet
slept better than for some time

especially after Exercise ----

Last week of this month considerably
worse low & oppressed not only in the
Forenoon but also in the evening
weather less favourable for exercise
had drank Hermitage ½ a bottle after
Dinner all this week but left it off
& returned to Madeira ----

Aprile 1

Took some Rhubarb over night and
20 gr of Jalap in the morning which
made me sick & reatch, but wrought
well afterwards & brought away much
slime, tho not of the worst kind &
gave releiff

[Page 6]

Thinking my Stomach might be clear
after this I began again with the Decoction
and Tincture of the Bark leaving off
the mustard Seed & Bitters but still
continuing the Lime water. The
proved heavy & after a few days
was obliged to give it up and had
this week some bad days or rather
worse than ever without any other
apparent cause. This led me to
think of leaving off all medicines
except the necessary laxatives to
keep my belly regular & even to
diminish as much as possible all
hot things in which I doubt I
had gone too great Lengths --

Grew a little better towards the
end of the week ----


Went to Ormiston Hall -----Conti¬
nued all the rest of this month and
part of next much in the same way
with frequent returns of Lowness
but rather less violent especially
when I got much riding ---

[Page 7]

May 18

Returned to Hopetoun House very much
down excessively low
with all the con¬
comitant Symptoms in as great a
degree if not greater than ever which
seemed to fix & have less intervall
than usual. Slept very ill &c --


Took 5 gr of the cortical part of
& wrought it off with
mustard water and hartshorn, it
operated 8 times very briskly with¬
in the hour from taking and
Brought away a great load of
phlegm very tough & ropy. This
gave considerable releiff being much
lighter and more active & Sleeping
some better after it
. The great
Quantity of Limpid urine had for
sometime been gradually dimin¬
ished and at last seemed rather
scanty & generally high coloured but
seldom with sediment.
After the
began to drink Pirmont
which seemed to agree very well
But having still heat & dryness in my
mouth with thirst (weather very hot)

[Page 8]

and the other complaints tho greatly
abated not quite remov'd

Earl of Hopeton
May 21 1759


1: Unidentified.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

1758 Dec r 4

Returned from O-Hall to Hopt House
had not got quite free of the Cough and other
effects of the Epidemic, besides the other Com¬
plaints of Lowness and Oppression of Spirits

wth restlessness in the night not only continued
But encreased greatly from great Concern
of mind

Tryed Mustard Seed wth Rhue Tea morn¬
ing and Evening, Tar water Strong wines
Spices &c but with little effect. Had
Several threatenings of the Gout in both
but came to no height

Dec r 16

Took a mustard vomit wh wrought well
and brought off much Ropy phlegm and
no after Sickness, having taken 2 Spoon
fulls of Tincture of Rhubarb in brandy
with Spices immediately after the operation
& went to bed I was something re¬
leived by the vomit, but had much
wind in my Stomach and by Dr R 1
Advice began to Drink Lime water
{leaving off other things} wh seemed
to agree very well wth my Stomach

[Page 2]

Dec r 19

Took a purge of Rhubarb & Jal¬
wh brought away much slime {wh the
Lyme water seemed to have loosened}
and this releived my complaints consider¬
ably especially when I cou'd get exercise.

Began to sleep a little better & quie¬
ter and to perspire better in the night
Continued the Lime water & encreased
from a mutchkin to a Chopin p day,
Stomach appetite and evry way better


Repeated the purge as above wh
did well but not near so much slime --

After this had a slight return
of the Epidemic cold and all the other
Complaints of the Stomach watchfull¬
& lowness encreased ---


Took another mustard vomit wh
brought off much tough ropy phlegm
but did not work freely heaving been
much impeded by a great deal of wind.
Was very low after the vomit all yt
day and the night and next day

1759 Janry 1st

Began again to the
mustard seed in the morning wth Lime
and Tar water before

[Page 3]

Dinner & at bedtime but continued the Lyme
thro the day & at meat to 3 mutchkins

2d a better night

All the rest of this month and most of the
next continued in the same distressed way
nor cou'd any releiff be expected from Medi¬
cine in the melancholy situation of the
Family. Tryed a decoction of Bark wt tinctr
of the same
also Tincture of Tansey Rhue
and wormwood but found no releiff, only
the Lime water seem'd to be of some Service
especially to the Digestion & to Dissolve


After the middle of this month
the weather being favourable got
a good deal of Exercise, resumed the
Decoction of Bark made very turbid &
strong an Ounce of Bark in Lib vi to Lib i
whereof 4 spoonfulls with 1 Do of Tincture
of Bark
or of Tansy &c for a dose twice
a day. Still continuing the Lyme
sometimes wth Sassafras infused in it -
and took some small doses of Rhubarb
or Sacred Tincture & Elixir wh brought
away much slime sometimes very
tough & wind whereby I was greatly

[Page 4]


In the first Days of this month
had a tendency to a Looseness wh Seem'd also
to do service. Began to have some
complaints in my head wh had been
remarkably free and well the pre¬
ceeding Summer & thro the winter
Still felt very low on some particular
days without being able to assign
any immediate Cause----

The Scarcity of Urine thro the Day
and the very great Quantity & Limpid¬
wth a strong violet smell in the
night continued thro this winter
but always decreased as the other
complaints abated passing more in
the Day and less in the night & of a
better colour-- Found Benefit from
rubbing my stomach & Belly in bed
wh promoted the Descharge of wind

12 March

The Decoction of Bark
proving heavy on my Stomach dis¬
continued it and resumed the mus¬
tard Seed
still continuing the Lime wa¬
, and taking the tincture of Tansey &c
as a bitter for my stomach between
hands with small doses of Rhubarb

[Page 5]

or Sacred Tincture or Elixir wh always
gave releiff tho sometimes they had
little effect but brought away wind

Extremely Low for one day but
releived by Rhubarb wh had been inter¬
mitted some days gradually lessen'd
the Quantity of the Bitters, and Got
free of the dose I used to take about
3 or 4 o clock in the morning & yet
slept better than for some time

especially after Exercise ----

Last week of this month considerably
worse low & oppressed not only in the
Forenoon but also in the evening
weather less favourable for exercise
had drank Hermitage ½ a bottle after
Dinner all this week but left it off
& returned to Madeira ----

Aprile 1

Took some Rhubarb over night and
20 gr of Jalap in the morning wh
made me sick & reatch, but wrought
well afterwards & brought away much
slime, tho not of the worst kind &
gave releiff

[Page 6]

Thinking my Stomach might be clear
after this I began again wth the Decoction
and Tincture of the Bark leaving off
the mustard Seed & Bitters but still
continuing the Lime water. The
proved heavy & after a few days
was obliged to give it up and had
this week some bad days or rather
worse than ever without any oyr
apparent cause. This led me to
think of leaving off all medicines
except the necessary laxatives to
keep my belly regular & even to
diminish as much as possible all
hot things in which I doubt I
had gone too great Lengths --

Grew a little better towards the
end of the week ----


Went to O: Hall -----Conti¬
nued all the rest of this month and
part of next much in the same way
wth frequent returns of Lowness
but rather less violent especially
when I got much riding ---

[Page 7]

May 18

Returned to Hopt House very much
down excessively low
wth all the con¬
comitant Symptoms in as great a
degree if not greater than ever wh
seemed to fix & have less intervall
than usual. Slept very ill &c --


Took 5 gr of the cortical part of
& wrought it off wth
mustard water and hartshorn, it
operated 8 times very briskly with¬
in the hour from taking and
Brought away a great load of
phlegm very tough & ropy. This
gave considerable releiff being much
lighter and more active & Sleeping
some better after it
. The great
Quantity of Limpid urine had for
sometime been gradually dimin¬
ished and at last seemed rather
scanty & generally high coloured but
seldom with sediment.
After the
began to drink Pirmont
wh seemed to agree very well
But having still heat & dryness in my
mouth wth thirst (weather very hot)

[Page 8]

and the other complaints tho greatly
abated not quite remov'd

Earl of Hopeton
May 21 1759


1: Unidentified.


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