
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:6237] From: Colonel D Muirhead / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Colonel D Muirhead (Patient), Miss Muirhead(?) (Patient) / 24 June 1789 / (Incoming)

Letter from Colonel D. Muirhead, Crossbasket, concerning his own case and that of his sister.


There are 3 images for this document.

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DOC ID 6237
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/2428
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date24 June 1789
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Colonel D. Muirhead, Crossbasket, concerning his own case and that of his sister.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1164]
Case of Colonel D. Murhead, who corresponds directy with Cullen.
[Case ID:1165]
Case of the sister of Colonel D. Muirhead who is prescribed strengthening drops for her stomach.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:3915]AuthorColonel D Muirhead
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3915]PatientColonel D Muirhead
[PERS ID:3936]PatientMiss Muirhead(?)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Crossbasket Castle High Blantyre Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Mentioned / Other Cowgate Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Hamilton Glasgow and West Scotland Europe inferred

Normalized Text

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Crosbasket 15th June 1789
Dear Sir

I received your favor but defered writing
you until I had taken the Keysers Pills for some time,
I began them about the 10th of last month and have now
taken Twelve,- They at first rather gave me an
extraordinary Stool, the day after taking them, (but
by no means Purged me), now I do not observe that
they have that effect, and I really think are of service,
as I think I am less inclined to Bile {illeg} my Stomach
easyer. I suppose I am to continue then as before
directed. I have hitherto taken sometimes one, two
or three, in the Weak according as they effected me.-
I thought they at first brought on {illeg} a passing
of Red Sediment in my Urine
, but that is since
gone again.- The Swelling I had is almost entirely
gone, but I have in the morning when I get up
an uneasyness in my feet, they are at the same
time very much discoloured, with a peeling off of
the Skin, the uneasiness goes off on moving
about a little. . I have likewise a constant Peeling

[Page 2]

of the Skin, from the Tops of my fingers, and
at times [a good diel?] troubled with Cramps in my
feet, this I observe I have oftenest when most Bilious,
I have also observed lately small dark coloured Spots
appear on my hands, as if the part had been
bruised, continue for a day or two, and then diss¬
apear again... Upon the whole I have gain'd Strength
lately, which I supose is a mark of the Pills having
been of use.- I continue taking the Stomach Infusion
as before and eat as nearly as I can in the man¬
ner you directed. vegetables I find agree with me
tolerable well now. I make them the principal
part of my diet, with a little whey, and I think
it answers with me much better than animal
food.. I unfortunately must write an accident lately
of Spraining my back which prevents me taking
exercise on horse back that I would have wished.. I
shall be obliged to you for a line of your opinion
when convenient. believe me Dear Sir

Your Most Obedient Servant

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Doctor William Cullen ----
Cowgate. --

Col. Muirhead
June 1789.
N. XX. p.212

Diplomatic Text

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Crosbasket 15th June 1789
Dear Sir

I received your favor but defered writing
you until I had taken the Keysers Pills for some time,
I began them about the 10th of last month and have now
taken Twelve,- They at first rather gave me an
extraordinary Stool, the day after taking them, (but
by no means Purged me), now I do not observe that
they have that effect, and I really think are of service,
as I think I am less inclined to Bile {illeg} my Stomach
easyer. I suppose I am to continue then as before
directed. I have hitherto taken sometimes one, two
or three, in the Weak according as they effected me.-
I thought they at first brought on {illeg} a passing
of Red Sediment in my Urine
, but that is since
gone again.- The Swelling I had is almost entirely
gone, but I have in the morning when I get up
an uneasyness in my feet, they are at the same
time very much discoloured, with a peeling off of
the Skin, the uneasiness goes off on moving
about a little. . I have likewise a constant Peeling

[Page 2]

of the Skin, from the Tops of my fingers, and
at times [a good diel?] troubled with Cramps in my
feet, this I observe I have oftenest when most Bilious,
I have also observed lately small dark coloured Spots
appear on my hands, as if the part had been
bruised, continue for a day or two, and then diss¬
apear again... Upon the whole I have gain'd Strength
lately, which I supose is a mark of the Pills having
been of use.- I continue taking the Stomach Infusion
as before and eat as nearly as I can in the man¬
ner you directed. vegetables I find agree with me
tolerable well now. I make them the principal
part of my diet, with a little whey, and I think
it answers with me much better than animal
food.. I unfortunately must write an accident lately
of Spraining my back which prevents me taking
exercise on horse back that I would have wished.. I
shall be obliged to you for a line of your opinion
when convenient. believe me Dr Sir

Yr Most Obedt Sert

[Page 3]

Doctor William Cullen ----
Cowgate. --

Col. Muirhead
June 1789.
N. XX. p.212


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