
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:510] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mr James Preston (Patient) / 18 February 1775 / (Outgoing)

Reply 'For Mr James Preston', who suffers from nervous weakness. Cullen recommends sea voyages abroad, shaving and washing his head, and an issue in the neck.


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DOC ID 510
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/1/3/88
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date18 February 1775
Annotation None
TypeScribal copy ( includes Casebook Entry)
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Reply 'For Mr James Preston', who suffers from nervous weakness. Cullen recommends sea voyages abroad, shaving and washing his head, and an issue in the neck.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:526]
Case of James Preston suffering from nervous weakness.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:270]PatientMr James Preston
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation France Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Portugal Europe certain
Therapeutic Recommendation Spain Europe certain
Mentioned / Other London London and South-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

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For Mr James Preston.

After considering fully &c I am of opinion that
as his nerves have been always weak & faulty so his present
nervous ailment will be more difficult to cure but at his time
of life a great deal to hope for & with time & perseverance I think
he may be recovered.

Extremely necessary to take a cool & light diet, abstain
entirely from all kind of animal food & that he live on milk
& vegetables.

Abstain also from all kinds of strong drink whither wine
spirits or malt liquors & take entirely to water & watery
liquors. But he must avoid tea & Coffee.

Will be the better for being much in the fresh air & taking
moderate exercise may walk frequently but never so much as to heat or fa¬
tigue him will be still more the better for riding or going
in a carriage the first from his giddiness may be uncertain &
the latter may be inconvenient & I would before every thing
recommend sailing. The voyage to London was of
service & therefore may be repeated with advantage, but a longer
voyage is still to be wished for & it will be easy to find
an opportunity to go to France Spain or Portugal. Till then
let him employ cold bathing, let his head be kept close
shaved & let him begin the bathing by washing his
head all over with cold water in the morning & cc.

Aboard a ship this not convenient but he may there
have his head bathed every morning.

Issue in his neck to be kept open & the fresh
water will not disturb it, but when he employs salt water

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as at sea he must cover the Issue with a piece of oiled silk.

Belly to be kept regular if becomes costive to be obviatd
by the medicine ordered below.

One other medicine to advise also prescribed below
He is to begin by taking one pill every morning & night. They
sometimes occasion some squeamishness & if the single pill
does so that dose is to be continued but if not he may take
2 3 or 4 for a dose as his stomach bears them. Are to be continued
only for a fortnight at one time.

W C.
Edinburgh February 18
For Mr J.P.

Take 2 ounces of powdered Tartar Crystals, 2 scruples of ground Jalap, an ounce of pulp of French prunes, and enough Simple Syrup to make a thin electuary or linctus. Label: Laxative Electuary, two, three or four teaspoonfulls, to be taken in the morning after washing.

Take 10 grains of Ammoniacal Copper, a scruple of hard white lump Sugar, rub together well, then add 2 drachms of Gentian Extract, and with enough Gum Arabic paste to make a mass, divide into 11 pills. Label: Cephalic Pills.

18th February 1775.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
For Mr James Preston.

After considering fully &c I am of opinion yt
as his nerves have been alw. weak & faulty so his prest
nervs almt will be more diffic. to cure but at his time
of life a great deal to hope for & w time & pers I think
he m. b. recovered.

Extremely necess. to take a cool & light diet, abst.
entirely from all kind of anim. f.d & yt he live on milk
& vegetables.

Abst. also fm all kinds of strong drink whither wine
spirits or malt liquors & take entiry. to water & watery
liquors. But he must avoid tea & Coffee.

Will be ye better for being mc in ye fresh air & taking
moder. exerc. may walk freqy bt never so mc as to heat or fa¬
tigue him will be still more ye better for riding or going
in a carriage bt ye first fm his giddin m. b. uncertain &
ye latter m. b. inconvenient & I would before ev. thing
recommend sailing. The voyage to London was of
service & theref m. b. repeated w advantage, but a longer
voyage is still to be wished for & it will be easy to find
an opportunity to go to Fran. Sp. or Portugal. Till yn
let him employ cold bathing, let his head be kept close
shaved & let him begin the bathing by washg. his
head all over w cold wat. in ye & cc.

Aboard a ship ys not convenient but he m. yre
have his head bathed ev. morn.

Issue in his neck to be kept open & ye fresh
water will not disturb it, bt wn he employs salt water

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as at sea he must cover ye Issue w a piece of oiled silk.

Belly to be kept reg.r if becomes costive to be obviatd
by ye med. ordd bel..

One other med. to advise also prescribed below
He is to begin by taking one pill ev. morn. & nt.. They
sometimes occasn some squeamishn & if ye single pill
does so yt dose is to be contind. but if not he m. take
2 3 or 4 for a dose as his stom. bears ym. Are to be contd.
only for a fortnt. at one time.

W C.
Edinr. Febry. 18
For Mr J.P.

Cryst. Tartar. pulv. ℥ii
Pulv. Jalap. ℈ii
Pulp. prun. Gallic ℥i
Syr. simpl. q. s. ut. f. Electm tenue sive Lochoch.
Signa Lax Electy, two, three or four teaspoonfulls, to be taken
in the morng after washing

Cupr. ammoniac. gr x
Sacch. alb. duriss. ℈i
Terito simul probe, dein adde
Extract. gentian. ʒii et
Cum mucilage. g. Arabic, q. s. ut f. Massa dividend
in pilulas XI
Signa Cephalic Pills.

18th Febry. 1775.


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