
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:4407] From: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / To: [ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN] / Regarding: Mr Edward Gallon (Patient) / 10 April 1779 / (Outgoing)

Reply 'For Mr Gallon'


There are 2 images for this document.

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DOC ID 4407
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/1/11/145
Main Language English
Document Direction Outgoing
Date10 April 1779
Annotation None
TypeScribal copy ( includes Casebook Entry)
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Reply 'For Mr Gallon'
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:796]
Case of Mr Edward Gallon who reports soreness and other symptoms in his genital area.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AuthorDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2471]PatientMr Edward Gallon
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Cullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Destination of Letter Alnwick North-East England Europe inferred

Normalized Text

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For Mr Gallon

Take one ounce of {illeg} Lignum guaiacum, one drachm of mezer bark or root and three pounds of spring water. Boil to two pounds and when boiling has finished add half an ounce of shavings of lignum sassafrass and one ounce of shavings of liquorice Root. Strain & Label: Aperient Apozem

N. If the proportion of mezereon gives no uneasy heat
in the Stomach the quantity may be increased to two drachms.

This apozem to be taken at first in the quantity
of a pint every day, in divided draughts of two three or
four ounces at a time. By degree the quantity is to
be increased to a pint & a half and at length to a bottle
every day & this to be continued for a fortnight & no
longer at one time, but if the ailment require it, after
a week or two's intermission another course may be taken.

At the same time with the apozem a table spoon¬
ful of the Solution ordered below is to be taken every night
& morning. If this dose do not affect the Stomach

[Page 2]

it may be increased to two table spoonfuls at night and
one in the morning or if even these do not affect the
Stomach the dose may be three table spoonfuls at night
and two in the morning. Any degree of sickness
or squeamishness produced is enough and the doses
should not be carried farther.

The Lotion ordered below is for touching the parts
affected when the itching is troublesome and for
this purpose it may be applied two or three times
a day.

Take eight ounces of spring water, two grains of Tartar Emetic and one ounce of Syrup of cloves. Mix. Label: Aperient Solution.

Take four ounces each of rose Water and Spiritus vini gallici, and two scruples of Saccharum Saturni. Mix. Label: the Lotion.

Edinburgh April. 10th 1779.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
For Mr Gallon

{illeg} lign. guaiac. ℥j Cort. rad. mezer ʒi Aq. font. lbiij
Coque ad lbij addens sub finem Rasur lign. sassafr. ℥ſs
Rad. glyccirh. ras. ℥j Cola & S. Aperient Apozem.

N. If the proportion of mezereon gives no uneasy heat
in the Stomach the qty may be increased to ʒij.

This apozem to be taken at first in the quantity
of a pint every day, in divided draughts of two three or
four ounces at a time. By degree the quantity is to
be increased to a pint & a half and at length to a bottle
every day & this to be continued for a fortnight & no
longer at one time, but if the ailment require it, after
a week or two's intermission another course may be taken.

At the same time with the apozem a table spoon¬
ful of the Solution ordd below is to be taken every night
& morning. If this dose do not affect the Stomach

[Page 2]

it may be increased to two table spoonfuls at night and
one in the morning or if even these do not affect the
Stomach the dose may be three table spoonfuls at night
and two in the morning. Any degree of sickness
or squeamishness produced is enough and the doses
should not be carried farther.

The Lotion ord below is for touching the parts
affected when the itching is troublesome and for
this purpose it may be applied two or three times
a day.

℞ Aq. font. ℥viij Tart. Emet. gr. ij
Syr. caroph. ℥j ℳ. S. Aperient Solution.

Aq. rosar. Spt vin. gall. @℥jv
Sacch. Saturn. ℈ij ℳ. S. the Lotion.

Edinr April. 10th 1779.


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