
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2860] Case Note / Regarding: Mr Edward Cook (of Togston) (Patient) / 8? July 1786 / (Incoming)

Case note concerning Edward Cook, who suffers from pain around the heart and stomach complaints, which are said to have begun after learning of a neighbour's sudden death. His 'Father & relations by the father side were subject to scorbutic eruptions & Irregular gout', and weak nerves. Probably compiled by his brother-in-law, Andrew Fogo, surgeon in Warkworth (see Cullen's reply, Doc ID 5306).


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DOC ID 2860
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/1894b
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date8? July 1786
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case note concerning Edward Cook, who suffers from pain around the heart and stomach complaints, which are said to have begun after learning of a neighbour's sudden death. His 'Father & relations by the father side were subject to scorbutic eruptions & Irregular gout', and weak nerves. Probably compiled by his brother-in-law, Andrew Fogo, surgeon in Warkworth (see Cullen's reply, Doc ID 5306).
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1994]
Case of Edward Cook who has pains in the region of his heart and a stomach disorder.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:3638]AuthorMr Andrew Fogo (Foggo )
[PERS ID:3547]PatientMr Edward Cook (of Togston)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3638]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryMr Andrew Fogo (Foggo )
[PERS ID:3549]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr John Cook (of Togston)
[PERS ID:3638]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMr Andrew Fogo (Foggo )

Places linked to this document

No places linked to this Document.

Normalized Text

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Mr. Cooks Father & relations by the fathers side were
subject to Scorbutic eruptions & Irregular gout which
chiefly affected the Stomach & bowels – He had very
good health except Short fits of the gout till the Autum↑n↑
of 1783 When he was suddenly siezed with a pain in
the left breast & left Arm & Complained of a Sensation
which he described by a rupture & Gushing of blood
about the heart – has had the same sensation several
times since but in a less degree attended with
low spirits & several Stomach complaints (which
have been much worse since October last) such as
sickness, vomiting, want of appetite - the Appetite
very irregular & very whimsial
- these all alternated
with & were relieved by Pain with or without In¬
flammation in the
feet or hands whether naturally
or Artificially produced -- when the Stomach complaints
are at the worst they will disappear in a Moment
on a Slight pain in the foot or hand Which after

[Page 2]

continuing sometimes half a Minute sometimes
half an hour or More will abate suddenly when
the Stomach complaints will return immediately
These have continued with very Short intervalls
since October last – since which time he has been
confined very much to the house – has taken a
variety of Medicines of the Stomachic kind
Rhubarb Guaiacum - warm Spues - in Substance
& Tincture - with the bark in the intervals which
last had seemed to have a good effect – The Stomachics
were taken occasionally to relieve the most urgent
Symptoms – Took also fætid medicines in cases
when his spirits were low –– Wine, Spirits mixed with
water –– On Sunday last was attacked with the
, on vomiting a small quantity of viscid
dark brown Phlegm
without taste or smell
the Hiccup stopped – returned after an hour or two
& was relieved or Stopped by another discharge of
the same kind of Phlegm which after three or four

[Page 3]

repetitions grew thinner & appeared more like black
which at last was succeded by a little yellow

His complaint in the region of the heart & Arm
were supposed at first to have been greatly imma
imaginary – occasioned by a neighbouring gentleman
dying suddenly after complaining of a pain in
these parts - & whose death was supposed to be
owing to a rupture in or near the heart - &
whose death was told Mr. Cook in a Sudden Abrupt
manner which shocked him very much as the
family is very easily alarmed From a constitution↑al↑
weakness of the nerves – His complaints did not
came on till about three weeks after the above

[Page 4]

Edwd. Cook Esqr.
July 1786
V. XVIII. P.214

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]

Mr. Cooks Father & relations by the fathers side were
subject to Scorbutic eruptions & Irregular gout which
chiefly affected the Stomach & bowels – He had very
good health except Short fits of the gout till the Autum↑n↑
of 1783 When he was suddenly siezed with a pain in
the left breast & left Arm & Complained of a Sensation
which he described by a rupture & Gushing of blood
about the heart – has had the same sensation several
times since but in a less degree attended with
low spirits & several Stomach complaints (which
have been much worse since October last) such as
sickness, vomiting, want of appetite - the Appetite
very irregular & very whimsial
- these all alternated
with & were relieved by Pain with or without In¬
flammation in the
feet or hands whether naturally
or Artificially produced -- when the Stomach complaints
are at the worst they will disappear in a Moment
on a Slight pain in the foot or hand Which after

[Page 2]

continuing sometimes half a Minute sometimes
half an hour or More will abate suddenly when
the Stomach complaints will return immediately
These have continued with very Short intervalls
since October last – since which time he has been
confined very much to the house – has taken a
variety of Medicines of the Stomachic kind
Rhubarb Guaiacum - warm Spues - in Substance
& Tincture - with the bark in the intervals which
last had seemed to have a good effect – The Stomachics
were taken occasionally to relieve the most urgent
Symptoms – Took also fætid medicines in cases
when his spirits were low –– Wine, Spirits mixed with
water –– On Sunday last was attacked with the
, on vomiting a small quantity of viscid
dark brown Phlegm
without taste or smell
the Hiccup stopped – returned after an hour or two
& was relieved or Stopped by another discharge of
the same kind of Phlegm which after three or four

[Page 3]

repetitions grew thinner & appeared more like black
which at last was succeded by a little yellow

His complaint in the region of the heart & Arm
were supposed at first to have been greatly imma
imaginary – occasioned by a neighbouring gentleman
dying suddenly after complaining of a pain in
these parts - & whose death was supposed to be
owing to a rupture in or near the heart - &
whose death was told Mr. Cook in a Sudden Abrupt
manner which shocked him very much as the
family is very easily alarmed From a constitution↑al↑
weakness of the nerves – His complaints did not
came on till about three weeks after the above

[Page 4]

Edwd. Cook Esqr.
July 1786
V. XVIII. P.214


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