
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[Case ID:451]: Case of Mr Mylred, a judge on the Isle of Man who has become partially paralysed and largely lost his faculties, which might stem from an untreated venereal confection. His friends are considering placing him in a private mad-house.

Documents in this case

2 document(s) found in this case.

DOC IDSummaryDate
[DOC ID:884] 
Letter from Patrick Scott concerning the case of Mr Mylred, 'one of the principal judges' on the Isle of Man who after a venereal infection, has suffered a general paralysis and loss of his faculties to the extent that his friends are considering having him placed in a private mad-house.5 March 1774
[DOC ID:891] 
Reply to Patrick Scott, with directions for Mr Mylred, in the form of a retained, loose corrected draft copy in Cullen's own hand. Cullen thinks there is some hope of his recovering the use of his limbs and advises various treatments including scarification and warm bathing. 17 March 1774

People involved in this case

4 found.

PERS IDFull Name
[PERS ID: 4455] Mr Richard Betham
[PERS ID: 1] Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID: 404] Mr Mylred
[PERS ID: 403] Dr Patrick Scott

Unique Places linked to this Case

3 found.

TypeSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
Place Douglas Isle of Man England Europe certain
Place Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Region Isle of Man England Europe certain

Places and role of place

7 found.

TypeRoleSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
PlacePlace of Writing Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Writing Douglas Isle of Man England Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Douglas Isle of Man England Europe inferred
RegionMentioned / Other Isle of Man England Europe inferred
PlaceMentioned / Other Douglas Isle of Man England Europe certain
RegionPlace of Handstamp Isle of Man England Europe certain