
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[Case ID:2136]: Case of an unnamed twenty-two year old woman who dies after being startled at a firework display.

Documents in this case

1 document(s) found in this case.

DOC IDSummaryDate
[DOC ID:2233]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor, briefly noting that Mr Gillies is taking his medicines, and giving an account of the death and autopsy (post mortem) examination of a 22-year-old woman, a 'strong-made girl and of a chearful temper', whose disease 'had all the marks of the Angina Pectoris'. She had suffered from chest pains and faintness. He attributes her collapse to having been startled by a firework display, probably staged to celebrate Admiral Rodney's victory in the Battle of the Saintes, but her post mortem (by Taylor, Fulton and White) revealed carditis.12 June 1782

People involved in this case

7 found.

PERS IDFull Name
[PERS ID: 1902] Miss
[PERS ID: 1] Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID: 2999] Mr Fulton
[PERS ID: 1465] Reverend Colin Gillies (of Paisley)
[PERS ID: 2656] Admiral George Brydges Rodney (Admiral Rodney, 1st Baron Rodney)
[PERS ID: 207] Dr Alexander Taylor (Sanders)
[PERS ID: 3000] Mr John White (Whytt)

Unique Places linked to this Case

2 found.

TypeSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
Place Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain

Places and role of place

3 found.

TypeRoleSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
PlacePlace of Writing Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Handstamp Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain